Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Theme Plays

Today in Language Arts classes were given information about their next in-class project. Students will be selecting their own groups and creating an One Act - 3 scene play. I look forward to seeing some great work. Below are the requirements that were handed out in class today.

Theme Plays

Your ONE ACT script must include:

1. A list of characters including a description of each of them
2. A plot which includes a moral (lesson)
3. Detailed scene descriptions (at least three scenes)
4. Dialogue including stage directions
5. Final draft form (typed or written neatly in black or blue ink)
6. Acted out, 5-10 minutes long

Your presentation must include:

1. A narrator introducing each scene (must be someone not in your group)
2. Characters saying memorized lines (everyone in the play must be a character, and the amount of lines per character should be roughly even)
3. A story line which includes a moral (lesson)
4. Appropriate costumes
5. Props
6. Acted out, 5-10 minutes long

**** Plays will be performed in front of class, and will be worth 100pts.
****Each student will be graded individually.


WEDNESDAY, January 20th =
Decide upon story line, theme, characters, and who can make or bring in what. If you finish the above requirements, begin with THURSDAY'S assignment.

THURSDAY, January 21st =
Begin writing the rough draft script of the play. Divide the work so everyone is working on something. ***For example: Two people work on character descriptions, one person works on scene descriptions, and two people work on the dialogue and stage directions.

FRIDAY, January 22nd =
Continue working on script. Rough draft is due on MONDAY, January 26th, at the beginning of L.A. class.
MONDAY, January 26th = (reading class)
Look at rough draft corrections and suggestions. Decide AS A GROUP what needs to be done as far as improvements go. Also decide who will be responsible for writing or typing the final draft and making copies for all members of the group. The FINAL DRAFTS need to be brought to class TOMORROW, Tuesday, January 27th.

TUESDAY, January 27th=
Practice day. Pass out scripts and run through script several times, practicing voices, emotions, and movements.
**********Memorize lines individually at home.

WEDNESDAY, January 28th =
Practice day. Pass out scripts and run through script several times, practicing voices, emotions, and movements. Get input from group members concerning any last minute improvements.
**********Memorize lines individually at home.

THURSDAY, January 29th =
Practice day. Pass out scripts and run through script several times, practicing voices, emotions, and movements. Get input from group members concerning any last minute improvements.
**********Memorize lines individually at home.

FRIDAY, January 30th = Performance of plays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name :____________________
group names:____________________

Theme Play Grading Sheet

Title of Play:__________________________________

1. SCRIPT ( character list, dialogue with detail, story line with moral, scene descriptions)

2. COSTUMES AND PROPS (appropriate, interesting, neat)

3. PERFORMANCE ( voice level, enthusiasm, accuracy)



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