Friday, November 9, 2012

Next 2 Weeks

As we are approaching Thanksgiving there are only 6 days of class left!  During these next 2 weeks students will be introduced to a fairy tale/fable writing assignment. Students have the choice to work alone or with one partner.  I will be explaining the assignment on Tuesday, but if you want to know more now - than take a look!

Classes have finished their first novels and it is time to "swap" books!   Period 6 will be reading The Christopher Killer by Alane Ferguson and Period 8 will be reading After by Francine Prose.  I hope the classes each enjoy their new read!

Don't forget - Accelerated Reader book reports are by 11/20.  Read, read, read over these long weekends!  I'm excited to say many students are already done!  Nice Job!!!!

The next book check-out for book reports will be 11/19 - at this time I will also explain the book report assignment.  Book reports will be due 12/18.  This way students get a jump start on the reading while on Thanksgiving break and will have the book report complete before starting winter break.

As always, please don't hesitate to call and/or e-mail me with any questions and/or concerns!

Adv. Fairy Tale Fable Unit

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