Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing winter break and that 2010 has started off wonderfully!

We had an interesting break with Charlotte, a trip to the ER on Christmas Eve and a scheduled surgery for Charlotte to get tubes and her adenoids to be removed. I hate that my 18 month old will be having her first surgery so soon, but I know it will help move us into a healthier year and making 2010 great! As you can see from the picture (Charlotte on the left) Charlotte just wasn't as in to Christmas as her cousin Maddie. We couldn't even get her in her holiday dress - holiday PJ's were a big theme!

1 comment:

Brett C said...

Aw, I hope she's okay. When I was 6 months I had to get a clogged tear duct and had to get surgery so if you want advice to haelp you through it you can ask my mom.