Romeo & Juliet
Comparison Book Report
Comparison Book Report
_____ The top of your posterboard should have your book title and author.
_____ Select 5 events/situations from your book to compare to Romeo & Juliet. Even though we haven't finished the book you should have plenty to choose from.
______ There will be a total of 8-10 pictures drawn on your posterboard.
Pictures 1,3,5,7 & 9 should all be drawn pictures of 5 separate events from your book.
Underneath each picture (1,3,5,7,9) include a brief summary of what is taking place in that picture.
Pictures 2,4,6,8 & 10 will be drawn pictures from Romeo & Juliet that compare to the picture right before it. For example: picture 1 goes with picture 2 and so on...
Underneath each picture (2,4,6,8,10) write how the picture before compares with the picture you have drawn for Romeo & Juliet, and how it relates to one of the themes: love, destiny/fate, conflict, violence, individual vs. society, light/dark imagery.
You will present your posterboard. Your grade will also include your speaking skills. Remember to speak clearly, loudly enough for all to hear, and slowly enough so we can follow along and understand what you are saying. Eye contact is also very important! Please practice your presentation before class.

The greasers uses weapons when in violent situations. This scene is when the Socs attack Johnny & Ponyboy. Johnny stabs Bob and kills him.

In this picture Romeo & Tybalt are fighting because Tybalt just killed Mercutio. During both scenes someone dies in the result of violence.
NAME _______________________
POSTER BOARD – Romeo & Juliet book comparison
1. Comparison Explanation - (DETAIL, CLARITY) 10pts ______
2. Delivery - (EYE CONTACT, VOICE LEVEL, SMOOTHNESS) 10pts _________
10pts _________
Total points = +
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