Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life of Pi - final project

Life of Pi – end of book activity

Project #1

Narration and description work together to create a realistic account of an unrealistic event.

In 2-3 paragraphs, describe 3 ways in which Pi alters his story to be more 'believable' for the Japanese Ministry representatives.

You will get your Tiger Symbolism journal back and you must first outline 3 ways in which you can alter the journal to be more believable. For instance, if you thought that Richard Parker was real you must now change and try and get me to believe that Richard Parker is a figment of Pi's imagination.

Re-Write your journal in 2-3 paragraphs.

All in all – this is a 4-6 paragraph essay – it must be in final draft form and will be worth 100 points.

You will need to turn in your original Tiger Symbolism Journal, your outline and final draft of re-written journal and the 3 ways Pi alters his story to be more 'believable'.

Project #2

Select a scene that you found to be the most powerful, thought-provoking, or relevant to a theme you liked in the book.

- You will represent the scene in an image and a poem.

- Create this on a tri-fold poster board where the image will go in the middle of the board; the poem will go one side, and an explanation of why you believe your scene is important will go on the other side.

- All in all – this is a 4-6 paragraph essay – it must be in final draft form and will be worth 100 points.

Themes Include:

“The Better Story” - the predominant theme is the concept of the “better story”, in other words, the importance of telling a good story. Life itself is a story and one can choose his own story. The “better story” is the more imaginative one and , according to Pi, the one God would choose as well. One must have faith in something beyond bare logic.

“Science and Religion” - A minor theme is the reconciliation of science and religion as ways to understand the world. Pi meshes the two in order to survive 227 days on the lifeboat. He ends up majoring in both zoology and religious studies.

“Religious Syncretism - Another minor theme is the syncretism, or union of the seemingly opposing principals, of religions. As different as Pi's three religions are, they all involve a personal relationship with God. They are blended into Pi's own unique spirituality and remain with him as an adult.

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