Sunday, November 4, 2007

October 31 - Noun Notes

Unit 2
Kinds of Nouns
Common & Proper Nouns

Definition of a noun - a person, place, thing or idea
example of:

person Mrs. Hayes
place Lakeview
thing dog
idea love

proper noun - names a particular person, place, thing or idea. Capitalize

example of a proper noun - Mrs. Hayes, Lakeview Jr. High

common noun - names a general class of person, place, thing or idea

example of a common noun - dog, tree, school

Concrete & Abstract Nouns

concrete nouns - refers to material things, to people or to places

example of concrete nouns - pony, students, textbooks

abstract nouns - names, ideas, feelings or qualities

example of abstract nouns - love, relief, patriotism, language

Compound & Collective Nouns

Compound Noun - noun with two or more words

Examples of compound nouns:

One-word - textbook, airplane
Separate words - Edgar Allan Poe, The Weekend was Murder
Hyphenated words - runner-up, sister-in-law

Collective Noun - names a group or collection of people, animals or things considered as a unit
Example of collective noun - committee, class, family

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